
Hawaiian Selection Flower Essences

OHAI-ALI-'I - Empathy
£ 6.25
OHAI-ALI-'I - Empathy

Essence encourages a greater awareness and understanding of others fears, needs and worries. Helpful for people who are so self-involved that they don't listen to others, and are out of touch with the feelings of those around them.
OHELO - Soul Light
£ 6.25
OHELO - Soul Light

Powerful cleanser of the soul. Overcomes deep-seated fears, terror, darkness and isolation, due to deliberate involvement in extremely negative activities, in present or past lives.
OHIA LEHUA - Facing Challenges
£ 6.25
OHIA LEHUA - Facing Challenges

Ohia Lehua is a small gnarled, pioneer tree which survives in the arid and soil-less black volcanic lava fields. This popular essence, which is made from the tree's amazingly fragile, magenta pom-pom flowers, instils determination and resilience in those who give up too easily. It sustains one through challenges and periods of hardship, especially where there is a need to make painful changes to one's life. Helps with mastering new skills and promotes new-found confidence and independence, especially when one is going through a separation or divorce. Aids in overcoming addictions.
£ 6.25

Essence provides one with the impetus to make necessary changes. Assists those who do not know how to change, even though they want to, and know they should. Essence instils decisiveness.
£ 6.25

This is a stunning blue water lily with a yellow centre introduced from South America. Encourages optimism. Releases cynicism, bitterness and kill-joy attitudes. Heals envy, resentment and pessimism in those who are jealous of others' happiness, because of their own lack of positive life experiences.
PA-NINI-O-KA - (Night Blooming Cereus) - Light in the Night
£ 6.25
PA-NINI-O-KA - (Night Blooming Cereus) - Light in the Night

Many tropical plants bloom at night to escape the searing heat of the sun. Night Blooming Cereus is a South American cactus, that on banks, tree branches or stone walls. The essence from its enormous, spectacular cream flowers, assists one to re-balance the natural harmony between activeness and rest time. It alleviates fear of the dark or sunlight, and helps to re-set the time clock in those who cannot sleep at night, but fall asleep in the day when they need to work.
PAPAYA - (Paw paw) - Clear Head
£ 6.25
PAPAYA - (Paw paw) - Clear Head

An emergency essence which temporarily helps in the assimilation of information, even when one is tired or over-worked. Promotes a clear mind when taking exams or making big decisions, even where one is fearful or confused.
£ 6.25

Revives spiritual energy. Encourages faith in one's body to heal itself. Stimulates unconditional love, which alleviates negativity and trauma. Lessens pain memory resulting from past traumas.
PA'UO-HI'IAKA - (Jacquemontia) - Spiritual Protection
£ 6.25
PA'UO-HI'IAKA - (Jacquemontia sandwicensis) - Spiritual Protection

The Pa'uo-Hi'iaka plant is a low spreading vine with pale blue or white flowers. It can grow on poor quality ground, and was used in the past to prevent soil erosion. It is often one of the first plants to reappear after the original vegetation has been destroyed by a volcanic eruption. It's Hawaiian name means "the skirt of Pele's sister Hi'iaka". In Hawaiian legend, Pele is the goddess of volcanos and her little sister, Hi'iaka, is the goddess of islands and nature. It is said that Pele destroyed Hi'iaka's sacred Lehua grove with hot lava, when she failed to return on time from a monster-slaying trip. Hi'iaka was devasted at the loss of her sacred plants, but quickly set about replanting her grove with lots of tough and resilient pioneer plants, and, in time, she eventually forgave her impatient sister.This essence is for those whose outlook, behaviour or personality has been influenced by painful memories from the past, where they have experienced physical, emotional or mental abuse/harm. It helps to repair soul scars, and nurtures and soothes the inner child. By opening a channel to higher realms, it connects one with angelic and higher guidance for much needed assistance and advice in times of stress and danger. It also surrounds one with powerful, spiritual white light protection and promotes the ability to uncover the truth when encountering lying or deceitful individuals, emotional blackmail, or hidden dark forces.
£ 6.35

Instigates a feeling of being in charge of one's own destiny. For those who tend to be fatalistic about life, and so miss opportunities to take decisions that would have increased their happiness.
£ 6.35

A wonderful essence to revive warm interactions with others. Especially helpful for those who never share their feelings with others. Also for those who have become emotionally cold and insensitive, due to past trauma.
PINK TECOMA - Ascension
£ 6.25
PINK TECOMA - Ascension

Essence helps one to focus on spiritual advancement rather than on worldly desires. It releases a "must have" craving for the latest consumer product. Instils understanding that inner contentment and happiness is not found through material wealth.
PINK WATER LILY (Day blooming) - Feeling Safe
£ 6.25
PINK WATER LILY (American Beauty - Day Blooming) - Feeling Safe

Re-instigates trust in oneself, and releases apprehension and tension in intimate relationships. Releases old patterns of feeling inherently unsafe, that were initiated by present or past life trauma or abuse.
PLUMBAGO - Family Issues
£ 6.25
PLUMBAGO - Family Issues

The essence from these delicate panicles of pale blue flowers restores love, empathy and respect in family relationships. Reduces animosity or lack of caring between family members.
POHUEHUE - My Mother Issues
£ 6.25
POHUEHUE - My Mother Issues

Essence is for those who have become embittered by their mother's lack of love or appreciation, or feeling a lack of self esteem due to being ignored or abandoned during their childhood. Essence helps to back in touch with their own deep inner self, where gentleness and nurturing self-love for oneself always resides.
PORT ST. JOHN CREEPER  (Podranea ricasoliana) - Harmonious communications
£ 6.25
PORT ST. JOHN CREEPER - Harmonius Communications

This vigorous South American vine ( also known as Pink Trumpet Vine) has an abundance of tubular, lacy pink flowers. Port St. John creeper flower essence is for those who are pre-occupied with their own world and affairs, who take things for granted and are oblivious to the needs of those nearest to them. The essence helps communication difficulties between couples and in business dealings, because a person has habitually chosen to engage with others in a harsh, brash or sarcastic manner. It encourages the individual to become more relaxed, gentle and sensitive towards others.
Links to burn out, nervous exhaustion.
PROTEA - Openness
£ 6.25
PROTEA - Openness

This is made from the Protea plant's bright yellow and orange orbs, which can be found blooming in the dry Savannah region on the slopes of Maui's Haleakala volcano. Essence promotes the ability to express emotions, especially in those who are unable to fully express how they feel, even with those closest to them. It lessens a stiff upper lip and inflexible attitudes.
PUA KALA (Argemone glauca) Discernment
£ 6.25
PUA KALA - Discernment

Pua Kala is a tall, very prickly plant, with the most beautiful, white, paper-thin, poppy-like flowers, that have shining golden centres. The plant was once commonly found in dry, sub-alpine forests, but today it is quite a rare sight, only being found in small pockets on the leeward side of the Hawaiian volcanoes. Fortunately, however, the flowering plants to make this essence were found by chance on Oahu, growing through an abandoned pallet on waste ground. Pua Kala essence aids those who are trying to disentangle themselves from emotional messes they have become tied up in.The essence promotes serene objectivity and clarity of mind at times when "the red mist” of extreme anger threatens to overwhelm one in a sea of strong emotions, especially when dealing with personal issues of the heart. It assists those looking for greater wisdom, uncoloured by one’s personal sentiments, to in order to pass succinct, necessary information to others. It also stimulates one’s mind to openly embrace and ingest new ideas and information.
Links to headaches, vertigo.
PUA KENIKENI - Overcoming Hedonism
£ 6.25
PUA KENIKENI - Overcoming Hedonism

This essence releases psychological cravings for sensual over-indulgence and prevents a descent into directionless apathy. Restores a balance and purpose to life.
PUA MALE - (Stephanotis) - Marital Harmony
£ 6.25
PUA MALE - (Stephanotis) - Marital Harmony

The essence, made from the heavenly scented, white flowers of the Stephanotis, enhances co-operation, communication and compromise in close relationships. Instils respect for each other's differences.
PUA MELIA - (Frangipani/Plumeria) - T.L.C.
£ 6.25
PUA MELIA - (Frangipani/Plumeria) - T.L.C.

This small tree puts all its energies into producing beautiful, fragrant pink, yellow and white flowers all summer long, which are commonly used for making garlands to greet visitors to Hawaii. In the winter months, unusually for a tropical tree, it sheds all its leaves and rests. Essence increases self-dignity, and improves the ability to look after one's own health and personal needs. Promotes the ability to say "no" where one has always looked after everyone else's needs first, which can eventually result in harm to their own well-being.
PUA PILO - Get up and Go
£ 6.25
PUA PILO - Get up and Go

A stunning, fragrant multi-stamened, night-flowering shrub that grows on bare lava . Essence promotes a "get up and go" attitude to life. Releases those stuck in a state of lethargy which prevents them from doing anything with their life. Can also overcome a weight problem, stemming from apathy due to a negative self-image.
PUKIAWE - Zest for Life
£ 6.25
PUKIAWE - Zest for Life

A revitalising essence that decreases apathy, and encourages the desire to improve one's quality of life. Helps to inspire change in those who have become dull through laziness or feeling stuck in a rut.
RAINBOW SHOWER TREE (Cassia x nealiae) - Rainbows
£ 6.35

The popular Rainbow Shower Tree has been named as the official tree of Honolulu. This most attractive tree is a cross between the Golden Shower Tree and the Pink Shower Tree, having abundant panicles of peach, yellow and pink pea flower-like flowers. This Rainbow Shower Tree essence definitely encourages one to look for and see the good in the World. It is a gently uplifting, soothing and nurturing essence. It instils quiet confidence and a feeling of safety. It gradually neutralises energy blocks and belief patterns, that, over time, have led to a person's increasingly rude behaviour towards others, cantankerousness, crankiness, intolerance, impatience and insensitivity.

Links to cell death imbalances and lack of oxygenation.
RED GINGER - Increasing Sexuality
£ 6.35
RED GINGER - Increasing Sexuality

Enhances a healthy interest in sensual pleasures. Strongly increases libido in both sexes by opening the base chakra and deepening a sensitivity in bodily desires.
ROSE APPLE - (Ohi'a loke) - Inner Compromise
£ 6.25
ROSE APPLE - (Ohi'a loke) - Inner Compromise

The Rose Apple is a jungle tree with the most ephemeral powder puffs of lemon flowers, that are composed entirely of stamens. The essence instils an inner contentment and gratefulness for what one has and is. It helps one overcome the belief that true happiness can be found only through money, partners, homes, career or other worldly goods.
SHE OAK - (Ironwood) - Mother Instinct
£ 6.25
SHE OAK - (Ironwood) - Mother Instinct

The essence from these Australian imported trees, now common on Hawaiian shores,  with their pollen-filled catkins and feathery leaves, overcome infertility problems on a subtle, mental and emotional level, to promote the appropriate emotional balance needed for optimum fertility in both sexes. It clears blockages in the sacral chakra and feelings of inadequacy, lack of confidence or other subconscious emotional blocks. Promotes the need for adequate hydration. Take 4 to 9 drops of essence in a glass of water, twice daily, for at least three months.
SPIDER LILY - Childhood Issues
£ 6.25
SPIDER LILY - Childhood Issues

This bulb-like beachside plant, with fragrant pink and white lily-like flowers, was a favourite of Princess Kaiulani, one of the last members of the Hawaiian royal family. Its roots help to stabilise shifting sand along the coast. Essence works on the inner child to help release negative beliefs and damaging emotional programming learnt during growing up. Especially helpful for children or adults with painful memories or soul loss, instigated by parents or those in authority.
SPIDER ORCHID - Emotional Blackmail Issues
£ 6.25
SPIDER ORCHID - Emotional Blackmail Issues

The Spider Orchid has strange green and brown speckled flowers ,with long, thin petals, that look like spider's legs. It has been cross-bred in Hawaii to produce flowers with even more spider-like, longer and thinner petals. This essence stimulates respect and understanding of others' needs and individual rights. It lessens the need to bully, control, threaten, make false promises or use emotional blackmail, to get one's needs met.
STAR JASMINE - Over-perfectionism
£ 6.25
STAR JASMINE - Over-perfectionism

Essence promotes an inner acceptance and contentment with what talents and ability one has. Helpful for those who make themselves unhappy by being over-competitive, over-perfectionist and highly critical of themselves and others. Essence releases a fear of failure.
STICK RORRISH - (Stenogyne caliminthoides) - Confusion
£ 6.25
STICK RORRISH - (Stenogyne caliminthoides) - Confusion

Essence restores communication between the mind, body and subtle bodies. Use for personality re-integration, and for those with delusions, depression or soul loss problems. It may be helpful to use this essence with pink Lotus; for restoring balance to the subtle bodies and for improving mental clarity. or Bach Flower Cherry Plum; for fear of losing one's mind due to trauma or pain.
Links to mental instability.
STRELITZIA - (Bird of paradise) - In Crisis
£ 6.25
STRELITZIA - (Bird of paradise) - In Crisis

Essence offers support and inner strength on a day-to-day basis, to those who are exhausted, traumatised and at the end of their tether, through experiencing never-ending problems and/or overwhelming stress.
TI - Banishing Evil
£ 6.35
TI - Banishing Evil

The native Hawaiians place Ti plants around their houses for protection from negative spirits. It makes a powerful essence for promoting positive vibrations and dispelling negative energies. It is said to neutralise curses. It also stops over-stimulation of the mind and , confused logic and foggy thinking, arising from mental overload or too much going on in the external environment.
UALA - Releasing Trauma
£ 6.35
'UALA - Releasing Trauma

This plant is also called "Purple Sweet Potato", and the essence from it's pretty purple and white rosettes restores communication in a child or adult who has suffered a trauma, and is unable to verbally express their feelings of shock, anger, grief, frustration or feelings of helplessness.
ULEI (Osteomeles anthyllidifolia) - Openmindedness
£ 6.35
ULEI - Open-mindedness

Ulei is a prickly native Hawaiian shrub, that covers itself with small bunches of white flowers. It is also known as Hawaiian Hawthorn. Ancient Hawaiians used its wood to made fish traps and ukuleles. Until recently it was becoming quite rare, but now it has begun to make a comeback, and specimen plants can be found in several botanical gardens on the Hawaiian islands. Ulei essence promotes open-mindedness. It releases rigid concepts, and helps one to let go of inflexible attitudes and/or the inability to adapt to new situations. It is for those people who are uncooperative unless things are done their way, and for those who think that life and people to should conform to one set of beliefs, in order to be happy, satisfied or comfortable.
Links to tight muscles, cramps, constipation and memory loss.
WHITE GINGER - (Awaphi ke-oke'o) (Combination) - Integration
£ 7.35
WHITE GINGER - (Awaphi ke-oke'o) (Combination) - Integration

This White Ginger Hawaiian flower essence combination also includes White Lotus, Yellow Ginger and Thunbergia essences. It encourages the return and harmonious integration of lost soul parts from any lifetime, any realm and any dimension, whether the cause is physical trauma, confusion, genetic manipulation, misalignment, deprivation, emotional or mental abuse, torture, curses or black magic.
The White Lotus essence on its own is now available to order. It's benefit are detailed at the bottom of the Lotus (pink) essence details in this Hawaiian essence range. If you would like to buy this essence please go to the Lotus (pink)flower essence and let me know in the shipping information box or send me an email ( that you would like the White Lotus essence instead.
WILIWILI - Lessening Autocracy
£ 6.35
WILIWILI - Lessening Autocracy

This essence, made from the bright scarlet, multitudinous beak-like blooms of the Wiliwili tree, instils an understanding of other people's needs and feelings. Releases the desire to build personal power through the control of others. Discourages a superiority complex and selfishness. Counteracts a tendency to be arrogant, abusive or insensitive.
YELLOW GINGER- (Awapuhi-melemele) - Releasing the Past
£ 6.35
YELLOW GINGER- (Awapuhi-melemele) - Releasing the Past

This vigorous member of the Ginger family spreads itself through underground suckers amongst the vegetation of the jungle floor. The fragrant, butterfly-shaped flowers make a magical essence for gently restoring lost soul parts and releasing knots of disharmony in the subtle bodies or subconscious mind, that have become stuck there, due to repressed or unhealed, present or past life traumas. Essence also clears emotional issues that affect the liver. Helps to restore sensitivity to the senses.