
Gem Essences

MAW SIT SIT- Loving Life
£ 6.25
Maw Sit Sit is found in upper Myanmar, within the foothills of the Himalayas. It a rare and stunning chromium-rich, emerald green and black-veined gemstone, that gleams like glass when polished. It's unusual name means "green from outer space", because the mineral was first discovered within meteorites. The essence opens and supports the heart chakra, to promote emotional stablity and to help one to find joy in life. It is energising and uplifting, and helps one to dispel pessimism, melancholy and depressive states. It helps one to remember joyous or happier times, and rekindles a desire to enjoy similar experiences again. It instils the desire to get up and fight back after a setback, as well as boosting one's morale and confidence, in order to be better able to handle the twists and turns of life. It soothes wounded emotions and instils the capability to be able to love again. Links to glucose metabolism, blood sugar balance, adrenal glands, eczema, joints, skeleton, hip bones, fluid balance, cramps, bed-wetting, convalescence.
MOLDAVITE - E.T. Phone Home
£ 6.35
MOLDAVITE - E.T. Phone Home

Opens meridians, aligns chakras and clears blockages. Kick-starts spiritual awakening, development and transformation. Enhances dream state and expands psychic awareness. Helps sensitive people, star seeds and inter-planetary travellers to adjust and become acclimatised to the suffering and heavy emotions and negative energies experienced on the earth plane.
MOONSTONE - Body Rhythms
£ 6.35
MOONSTONE - Body Rhythms

Stone of new beginnings. Releases frustration and stress. Calms emotional over-reaction. Stabilises emotions. Helps those who feel threatened by their environment.
Links to intestines, female hormones, birth process, fertility, fluid balance, biorhythmic clock, PMS, menopause, motherhood, sleepwalking.
Rainbow Moonstone is also available. If you would like to order Rainbow Moonstone please order Moonstone and send me a message in the shipping notification or email me ( that you would like to have Rainbow Moonstone instead.
MORGANITE - Self-belief
£ 6.35
MORGANITE - Self-belief

Aligns one with angelic energies. Encourages positive thoughts and actions. Promotes the opening of the Higher Heart Chakra at the Thymus, for increased spiritual growth. Clears victim mentality. Stabilises volatile emotions and heals issues with self-love. Holds emotional body stable as old sorrow and painful memories are released Dissolves unconscious or conscious resistance to healing. Releases patterns of judgement, fear-based self-protection and manipulation.
Links to heart, larynx, lungs, oxygenation, mineral absorption, asthma, emphysema, muscles, nervous system, impotence.
MORION QUARTZ - Safe, Calm and Grounded
£ 6.35
MORION QUATZ - Safe, Calm and Grounded

Morion Quartz gets it's deep, velvety-black colour from naturally occurring radiation in ancient times. It neutralises sick building syndrome and is an energetic detoxifier of electromagnetic smog. Morion Quartz essence is deeply nurturing. It enhances the beneficial effect of other healing work and and is very helpful when all else seems to have failed. It helps calm those who are deeply upset, feeling panicky, shaking with fear, finding life exceptionally tough, or suffering from heartbreak. It instils patience and courage to overcome obstacles and the effects of stress. It initiates feelings of inner confidence, self-esteem and safety, and helps one to know when it is best to face up to a situation or to walk away. It instils the motivation to move forward.
Links to hyperventilation, respiratory system, circulation, digestion, metabolism, toxicity, osteoporosis, broken bones and teeth, back, hip and leg pain, and radiation therapy 

MOSS AGATE - Security
£ 6.35
MOSS AGATE - Security

Increases security, improves self-esteem. Grounding and stabilising. Releases deep-seated stress. Attracts abundance. Ameliorates the need to create constant emotional drama in one's life. Brings patience to those with volatile temperaments. Reduces sensitivity to weather and pollutants. Dispels scarcity consciousness, attracts abundance.
Links to allergies, dehydration, mood swings, inflammation, recovery speed, lymph flow, dehydration, hypoglycaemia, lymphatic system, fungal skin infections.
£ 6.35
Mtorolite - Riding Out The Storm

Mtorolite (pronounced muh-too-row-lite) is a chrome chalcedony stone that most modern day people have never heard of! But it was widely used in jewellery and seals throughout the Roman Empire, only disappearing from use during the 2nd century. A new source of it was rediscovered  in Zimbabwe in the 1950s. The essence made from this attractive, soft green and orange stone is now coming into prominence at this time for its ability to help people ride out the current vibrational frequency, consciousness expansion and Ascension process changes with equanimity that are now taking place on Earth. This essence is calming and centering.It soothes the whole auric field. It instils serenity in the midst of turmoil and provides us with the ability to cope and move through vibrational frequency change challenges no matter how traumatic the upheaval may be. What a gift from mother Earth! It helps one live in the present moment and to accept vibrational and situational changes. It helps one to facilitate stronger connections to higher realms of consciousness for help and guidance.
Mtorolite essence offers emotional balance, nurturing and support, instilling one with a feeling of peace and security. It empowers one to move through life-changes and challenges with self-control and a calm demeanor. 

Links to: heart chakra, backache, muscle pains, nervous system and liver detoxification, aids chromium absorption to assist with correct assimilation of glucose,  blood sugar stabilization, regulation of fats and protein metabolism.
MUSCOVITE - Problem Solving
£ 6.35
MUSCOVITE - Problem Solving

Muscovite is a beautiful violet gemstone, comprised of mica. It is a stone of inspiration and of highly positive energies. It promotes quick thinking and aids problem-solving. It assists those who have opened too rapidly to spirit or higher frequencies, and who are experiencing systems such as dizziness, vertigo, sleep imbalances, headaches or the inability to turn off the psychic flow of information. It regulates and tones down psychic overload, and prevents symptoms of a too rapid psychic awakening. Insulates emotions field to assist one to not react when someone is trying to "push one’s buttons". Especially helpful for those going through divorce or those who need to break off intense emotional relationships. Enables one to see the bigger picture and look to the future with hopeful expectancy, without preconceived notions. Promotes flexibility and releases tensions. Dispels insecurity, self-doubt and clumsiness. Seals the aura and Insulates one from negativity of others, psychic attack or entity attachments. Aligns subtle bodies and meridians with the body.
Links to brow and crown chakras, left/right confusion, blood sugar, pancreas, kidneys, insomnia and allergies.
NATROLITE - Psychic Enhancement
£ 6.35
NATROLITE - Psychic Enhancement

Ascension stone. Strong stimulator of the third eye, crown chakra and higher brain functions. Stimulates the nervous system to higher levels of sensitivity to be aware of higher spiritual energies. Harmonizes light body with nervous system to cope with an influx of higher light frequencies. Aids in clairvoyant and distance viewing. Helps one to have faith in oneself and in the future. Helps one to feel more confident about one’s abilities. Excellent for use in channelling. Clears blocked or slow moving energy flows. Provides psychic protection. Removes attachments from the auric field. Overcomes self-judgement and instils optimism and hope.
Links to Third Eye, Crown and 8th to 14th chakras above the head, and the nervous system.
NUUMITE - Auric Shield
£ 6.35
NUUMITE - Auric Shield

Nuumite is from a remote area of Greenland. At 3 billion years old it is said to be the oldest mineral on the planet. It is known as the Magician's stone as it holds potent magic that offers the gift of inner power and self-mastery within its a dark irridescent matrix of Anthrophyllite and Gedrite, that displays flashes of green, gold, blue, orange and silver. Nuumite essence activates and integrates all chakras. It removes negative psychic energy, extra-terrestrial mental implants, karmic entanglements, past life imperatives, curses, and the effects of sorcery and ill-wishing from any life time. It is a powerful aura protector and strengthener against all negative and damaging subtle energies and environmental pollutants. It draws out karmic debris and restores energy/power depleted by karmic debts or energy vampires.It protects the soul during sleep. It helps to retrieve lost soul parts, and clears self-imposed blockages, self-doubt and self-hatred.  It re-programmes thought patterns and cellular memory.  It realigns the subtle bodies with the physical body following shock and also strengthens the triple burner meridian. When taken with Moldavite essence it clears the emotional body of old trauma that one can't seem to get rid of.
Links to: Past life and Soma chakras limbic brain system, tissue regeneration, cellular structures, insomnia, stress, reproductive system, energy and heat flow, degenerative disease, Parkinson's, headache, insulin regulation, eyes, kidneys, nerves.
OBSIDIAN - Removing Negative Influences
£ 6.25
OBSIDIAN- Removing Negative Influences

Helpful for highly sensitive people. Neutralises unloving thoughts in oneself and in one's environment. Seals aura. Provides psychic protection. Cleanses aura of negative attachments, hooks, cords, greed, fear, resentment, frustration and scarcity consciousness. Dissolves mental conditioning. Breaks habits of self-abuse, eating disorders or addictions. Blocks geopathic stress and environmental pollution. Alleviates emotional problems and fears initiated by ancestors or past lives. Helps one cope with Earth changes.
Links to wounds, torn ligaments, cuts, abrasions, hardened arteries, arthritis, cramps, joints, extremities, temperature control - especially heat, enlarged prostate glands.
ONYX - Steadfastness
£ 6.25
ONYX - Steadfastness

Promotes endurance during times of stress. Encourages objective thinking and control of emotions. Alleviates overwhelming fears and worries. Increases personal power. Releases past life pain and old grief. Boosts memory, grounds the mentally scattered, and encourages attention to detail. Soothes hot-headedness and excess lust. Helpful in conflict situations, where a cool head is needed.

Links to legs, feet, elimination of body wastes and excess energy.
OPAL (FIRE) - Passion
£ 6.25
OPAL (FIRE) - Passion

Awakens passion. Stimulates sensuality. Re-energises. Brings hope, optimism and creativity. Helps one to let go of the past. Prevents burn-out. Assists in overcoming chronic fatigue, shyness, fear of taking action and defeatist thinking. Linked to adrenal glands, sexual organs, menstruation, intestines, abdomen, lower back.
ORANGE RIVER QUARTZ - Recharging One's Batteries
£ 6.56
Orange River Quartz is found near the Orange River in South Africa. It gets its colouring from red Hematite. The Orange River Quartz essence realigns the meridians, to allow for a better flow of prana. It also recharges the base and sacral chakras to keep one supremely grounded. It restores one's capacity for enjoying life by adding zest to every level of being, and is particularly beneficial for those who feel jaded or have lost their "mojo".
Links to blood, liver, spleen, blood flow, red blood cells, immune system and reproductive organs.
PAPAGOITE - Compassion
£ 6.25
PAPAGOITE - CompassionI

have been fortunate enough to be able to purchase a Papagoite-included quartz crystal for Gaia Essences. Papagoite is a most eye-catching, rare and stunning deep sky-blue mineral, most often found within quartz crystals, extracted from the now closed Messina mine in South Africa. Papagoite essence promotes compassion for oneself and others. It removes a victim mentality and a feeling of being put upon. It offers a wonderful sense of inner well-being, transforming sorrow into happiness, and anger into tranquillity. It strengthens bonds in relationships, and instils a deep connectedness between family members, friends and all of existence. It promotes an optimistic and broad-minded outlook. It clears and opens the throat and third eye chakras to enhance all of one's intuitive capabilities, and one's meditation experiences.
Links to throat, brain, eyes, muscles, small intestine, bowel, rectum, menstrual discomfort, migraines, blood oxygenation.
PERIDOT - Confidence
£ 6.25
PERIDOT - Confidence

Enhances confidence and assertion. Promotes an inner sence of well-being. Activates and harmonizes the solar plexus and heart chakras for the integration of will and love. Helps to encourage one to carry out one's heart's desires. Generates frequency of increase, and aids one's ability to receive on all levels. Alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite and guilt. Encourages generosity. Helps one to detach from outside influences. Releases burdens, obsessions and the need to blame others for one's own mistakes.
Links to anaemia, astigmatism, blood sugar, skin, gallbladder, ulcers, vision, insect bites, stomach ulcers, spleen, heart, lungs, intestines, hypochondria, bipolar disorders, childbirth, oxygenation, tobacco and inhalant addiction.
£ 6.35
PIEMONTITE QUARTZ (A.K.A Piedmontite and Red Epidote) - Trust

Piemontite Quartz is a pretty, pink-hued, opaque quartz with numerous red deep red flecks of Piemontite contained within it. The essence promotes the flow of unconditional love through the heart chakra to heal deeply-held emotional wounds. It cuts off the source of any energy being used to maintain blocks in the subtle bodies that have prevented one from being able to trust in oneself or others. It helps one to trust one's deep inner feelings when making life choices, and assists in looking after one's emotional and physical needs, especially where the head is continually ruling the heart because of financial pressures.
Links to heart, blood circulation, bones, metabolic function, homeostasis, mineral assimilation, tissues, cysts.A few drops of this essence can be added to water in an atomiser to disperse through the aura or the environment, especially within a workplace or community where mistrust in one's own or other's capabilities or intentions has been deliberately propagated.
PINK CALCITE - Forgiveness
£ 6.35
PINK CALCITE - Forgiveness

Supports those who have been hurt or assaulted, and who are suffering from deep grief, trauma or hysteria. Encourages forgiveness. Releases conflicts between parents and children. Stimulates the release of buried emotions, grief or anger. Clears long-standing, outdated emotional patterns of fear that keep the heart trapped. Aids self-worth and self-acceptance. Helps those who have difficulty in expressing their feelings.
Links to heart, tissue regeneration, nightmares.
PRECIOUS OPAL (Black) - Wishes Fulfilled
£ 6.25
PRECIOUS OPAL (Black) - Wishes Fulfilled

Magnifier of one's intentions. Links crown with root chakra. Encourages release of karmic patterns. Overcomes phobias, chronic worry, anxiety attacks and depression. Helps one to face one's darkest fears with courage. Aligns mental and emotional bodies. Aids in releasing negative experiences that hold one back.
Links to testicles, ovaries, pancreas, spleen, eyes.
PRESELI BLUESTONE - Earth Connection
£ 6.25
PRESELI BLUESTONE - Earth Connection
Preseli Bluestone was transported from the Welsh Preseli hills to form the inner stone circle at Stonehenge. This metamorphic igneous stone has a complicated make-up, consisting of volcanic ash, spotted Dolomite, Feldspar, Augite, Rhyolite, Mica and Copper. Dolomite stone is said to stabilise the heart and to strengthen bones. Feldspar is said to reverse the processes that cause ageing. Mica is the second greatest conductor of magnetic energy next to the human brain. It is said alleviate left/right confusion and clumsiness. This Preseli bluestone gem essence is an excellent grounding, centering and calming product. It aligns and balances the energies in all of the chakras, but has a particular affinity for the crown and base chakras. It opens portals to new possibilities and broader horizons. Use it before meditation, shamanic journeying, travelling to other dimensions, connecting with ancestral memories, accessing past existences, following a very stressful experience, or to promote restful sleep. The essence helps one’s energy field to adapt to the effects of changing earth energies, such as the increasing frequency of the Schumann Resonance. The essence balances the electromagnetic field of the body, blocks energy leaks from chakras, and drains off excess electrical nervous energy via the base chakra and the feet. It is especially helpful where an over-positively charged atmosphere has led to the body's inability to harmlessly discharge electrical residue arising from its nutrient creation processes and brain wave activities. (The body’s combustive and oxidation processes naturally cause it to become positively charged, so it needs to release its positively charged ions and exchange them for negatively charged ions present in the atmosphere. Computers, mobile phones, radio waves, air conditioning, central heating, tobacco smoke, vehicle exhaust, seasonal winds such as the Mistral and the Chinook, and crowds of people in inadequately ventilated buildings, all produce an excess of positive ions in the atmosphere.) The Preseli Bluestone essence can help to remove some of the effects on us of excess positive ions in the atmosphere, such as the alleviation of pent-up emotions, irritability, fatigue, hostility, tension, fuzzy-headedness or feeling spaced out. It also helps to alleviate slowed reactions and apathy in the elderly. Either take a few drops by mouth, whenever necessary, and/or add around 20 drops to bath water to relax in, put a couple of drops on the soma chakra (at the hairline above the third eye) or put on on the chakras behind the ears for far memory work or to make a connection with ancestral memories, rub a drop or two onto the thymus when working on a computer terminal, or put a few drops in cool water and pat it over your face before you apply moisturiser. You can also put around 12 drops of the essence in a small atomiser with water and spray through your aura.
Please note you do the following at your own risk. This is a suggestion only, and Gaia Essences is not responsible in any way for any adverse effects if you decide to try this out. If you are really being badly affected by electromagnetic pollution, for example if you can't sleep, have a dull headache, have itchy skin, "electric hair", feel bad tempered and irritable or are suffering from poor memory or lack of concentration, or feel fuzzy headed etc. you could try rubbing a little fine/medium grain pink Himalayan rock salt over your body just before you shower. Please make sure it is proper rock salt from the Himalayas, and not just Himalayan region salt from Pakistan, which contains Bromide and Fluoride. Damp your hands first so that the salt sticks to them, and then gently pat it on your body. Don't put it anywhere it is going to sting, and avoid the face. Then gently shower the salt off. After you have dried yourself put 12 drops of Preseli Bluestone essence in a small atomiser with barely warm water (to rid yourself of any last residues of electromagnetic pollution) together with 12 drops of Shungite gem essence ( to protect you from future electromagnetic pollution during that day), and spray through your aura from top to bottom.
Links to adrenal glands, respiration, teeth, bones, muscles, dry skin, hair, palpitations, headaches, metabolism, PMS, hot flashes, reproductive system and insomnia.
PURPLE JADE - The Laughing Buddha
£ 6.25
PURPLE JADE - The Laughing Buddha

Stimulates compassion. Helps to release self-imposed limitations, pessimism and negative attitudes. Encourages good humour and happiness. Purifies aura. Protects healers by clearing both upper and lower chakras simultaneously, allowing for expansion and grounding. Enhances discernment and balanced judgement. Soothes the nervous system and lifts the spirits.
Links to skin problems exacerbated by stress.
PURPURITE - Inner Protection from Electromagnetic smog
£ 6.25
PURPURITE - Inner Protection from Electromagnetic Smog

This Purpurite essence is made from a deep purple Namibian Purpurite stone, that has a beautiful, iridescent, violet sheen across its surface. It is empowered by the higher dimensional violet ray to protect one's emotional and mental subtle bodies from the negative effects of electromagnetic smog created by wi-fi, computers, mobile phones, cordless phones, wireless routers and wireless radio alarms etc., all of which can adversely affect one's mood and state of mind, leading to irritability, foggy thinking, aggression, anxiety, panic attacks, stress, lethargy and disturbed sleep patterns. Purpurite's way of neutralising the effects of EMF smog  is to facilitate the incorporation of a greater amount of higher dimensional light into one's subtle bodies, to help them integrate, disperse and ground Electromagnetic (EMF) pollution in a healthy way. It is a potent cleanser of one's energy fields and meridians, removing curses, neutralising psychic interference and protecting one's aura from negative entities and attachments. It removes bad ancestral and other negative karmic patterns, and addictive habits and attitudes that no longer support the soul, to help propel it forwards to a less impeded evolutionary journey up to higher dimensions. Purpurite essence imparts clarity, alertness, focus and confidence to aid in expressing one's views more clearly. It also shifts despondency, calms worry and removes self-destructive tendencies. It can help one to find a buyer quickly in any sales situation, and especially where adverse interference is blocking a house sale.
Turn off mobile phones, computers, tablets, wi-fi etc. at night or when not needed, and keep the amount of wireless apparatus to a minimum whenever possible.
NB: If you are particularly sensitive to the effects of EMF smog, use Purpurite essence around three times a day wherever you are exposed to EMF pollution, and constantly wear at least one of the EMF blocking crystals, such as Hematite, Amazonite, Purpurite, Obsidian, Elite Shungite, Sodalite, Unakite, Smoky Quartz, Indigo Gabbro or Blizzard Stone.
Links to rejuvenation, brain damage, nerves, increased absorption of nutrients, uric acid excess, mood stability, pulse stabilisation, radiation, sunburn, panic attacks, palpitations, bruises, haemorrhages, abrasions, blood clotting, blood flow between lungs and heart. 

PYRITE - Dynamism
£ 6.25
PYRITE - Dynamism

Warming, stimulating. Increases stamina for tackling challenging tasks. Seals energy leaks in aura and dispels negative influences in one's environment. Promotes healthy sexual expression. Releases inferiority complexes. Promotes confidence and diplomacy. Improves memory. Encourages abundance. Alleviates frustration and deep despair.
Links to iron, blood flow, endocrine system, oxygenation, respiratory system, viruses, fungal infections, ingested toxins, Asthma, Bronchitis.
QUARTZ (Clear) - Celestial Guardian
£ 6.35
QUARTZ (CLEAR )- Celestial Guardian

Guards against adverse environmental influences. Helps to re-stabilise bio-magnetic field. Absorbs psychic debris and detoxifies system. Removes negative thought forms. Seals holes in aura. Opens and harmonises chakras. Dispels static electricity.
Links to vertigo, bladder, kidneys, immune system, respiration, fevers, aches, radiation, immune system, amino acids, nervous system, connective tissue adhesions.
QUE SERA - Clarifying Mission
£ 6.35
QUE SERA - Clarifying Mission

Que Sera is a powerful combination of quartz, feldspar, calcite, iron, kaolinite, magnetite, leucozone and clinozisite. It helps one to believe that there are no mistakes, but only opportunities for learning. Que Sera essence activates your personal power to help create your own reality. In meditation it can help you attune to the Akashic Records to ascertain your soul's mission and to view all possible pathways with their outcome. It helps you to say "no" when needed, and assists in the release of assumed roles or obligations. This is especially the case if you are being pressured into to offering more help than your health and vitality will allow to family members or to charity concerns, because you have been led into believing that you must selflessly keep offering your services to others, in order to become a "good person". The essence instigates spiritual evolution and higher creativity. It shields one against Wi-Fi emanations, other electromagnetic pollutants and geopathogens. It re-charges and balances meridians and subtle bodies.
Links to cellular activation, dental mercury amalgam, depletion of organ energies, neurotransmitters, energetic circuitry, Earth Star, base, sacral and stellar gateway chakras.

RAINBOW HEMATITE - Reaching for Heaven
£ 6.36
This variety of iridescent Hematite is a combination of Hematite and Goethite, that is also known as Turgite. The outside of its dark, lava-like clumps are coated with the most stunningly beautiful, totally natural multi-hued, wave-like patterns. Hematite is known for being grounding and protective, but Rainbow Hematite also brings dynamic equilibrium and harmony to all one's energetic systems. This essence of Rainbow Hematite has the ability to provide the highest level of spiritual protection from negative energies and entities. It calms anxiety, brings a state of peace to worried minds, and lessens the ill-effects of life's stresses. It links the base and crown chakras, to strongly ground and centre one, whilst at the same time, instigating alertness, concentration, clear headedness and enhanced memory powers. It also powerfully opens and stimulates the third eye and crown chakras to enhance psychic ability and better communication with higher level guides, and to expand one's consciousness. It helps to clear psychic debris, limiting habits and negative attachments. According to Robert Simmons, author of "The Book of Stones", Rainbow Hematite enhances the crystalline strength and ordering of the blood structure on subtle vibrational levels. This makes one's electromagnetic field more robust and balanced, leading to feelings of empowerment, confidence and self-worth. The essence enables one to more efficiently assimilate the highest spiritual light on Earth, in order to aid the creation of one's "Rainbow Body of Light", in readiness for the Earth's vibrational shift and ascension.
Links to vitality, energy, muscle strengthening through exercise, anaemia, iron assimilation, blood oxygenation, insomnia, MS, Post-Polio Syndrome, autoimmune disorders, blood and digestive disorders.
RAINBOW LATTICE SUNSTONE - Higher Heart Chakra Development
£ 6.35
RAINBOW LATTICE SUNSTONE  - Higher Heart Chakra Development

Rainbow Lattice Sunstone is a recently discovered crystal that contains magnetite lattices and haematite within its pale peach, feldspar sunstone matrix. When the light catches the stones in the right direction, the dark lattices reflect back a multitude of stunning rainbow rays. It is said to have been created by the 11th dimensional race of Arcturians. Small pieces are hand- mined in a small pocket of Aboriginal land in the Northern Australian Harts range.  When the light catches the stones in the right direction the dark lattices light up with a multitude of stunning rainbow rays.
Judy Hall says "My crystal group described Rainbow Lattice sunstone as ‘disconnecting from our 3D matrix to plug into a much vaster, multidimensional picture via the higher heart chakra, that was the proto-matrix for creation. ...It opens a new way of working for evolution that makes it a truly magical stone. The type of magic that science cannot yet explain but which will one day be accepted as science.' 
The following is my own research. Rainbow Lattice Sunstone (essence) promotes the beneficial development and expansion of our 5th dimensional higher heart chakra, to advance our spiritual development on the road to  Ascension.  Right now it will help us to alleviate problems caused by the  newest and much more powerful microwave cell phone emanations. These 5G gigabyte (24 million to 90 million hertz) emanations have already begun to have adverse affects on our cellular well-being, causing eye, skin and sperm  damage, metabolic and immune system disruption, impaired melatonin production essential for sleep, as well as causing breaks in DNA strands,  according to recent US research. The extremely powerful 5G ultra high, microwave cell phone emanations are said to interfere with our ability make use of the naturally occurring, much weaker, low frequency 7.9 Hertz Schumann resonance waves, that our bodies have always used to regulate the speed of their internal functions, such as  brainwaves, DNA replication, and balance of right and left brain nerve signalling. 
Whilst Feldspar (sunstone) aligns our chakras, subtle bodies and meridians, the fully developed and open higher heart chakra will start to send out a network of 360,000 sub-microscopic hollow "tendrils" into the subtle bodies, that are similar to the meridian network we already employ for carrying chi/prana.  The Alta Major chakra at the back of the skull can then begin to take in subtle magnetic Universal energy and pass it through the new "tendril channels". In time, this Universal energy will form a complete magnetic time-clock network to regulate our internal functions, so that we are no longer dependent on the external Schumann resonance waves. Man-made electromagnetic waves from cell phones, wi-fi, smart meters, computers, cordless phones, wireless phones etc. will then pass through the body without ill effect. 
When the new Universal energy network is completed, full mental clarity and perception will return and mind manipulation, control, deception and mass brain washing by others using nationwide cell phone and other electromagnetic devices will no longer be possible. Our male/female polarities will be balanced, bringing emotional and mental equilibrium, chi circulation (our subtle life force) will be enhanced and our auric field will be strengthened, to totally keep out negative entities and harmful thought patterns. The Arcturians say Rainbow Lattice Sunstone has also been designed to strengthen the immune system and alleviate airborne allergies.
The subtle vibrations of the Magnetite within the Rainbow Lattice Sunstone essence will also aid the higher heart in increasing the production of micro-magnetite crystals in the body as well as in the skull, in order to enhance the pineal glands ability to recognise the diurnal Schumann resonance wave pattern, in order to help regulate our sleep patterns. 
Adverse affects of electromagnetic pollution include depressive states, insomnia, mood swings, mental confusion, fuzzy headedness, forgetfulness, sensitivity to light and noise, clumsiness, accident prone, concentration problems, nerves, anxiety, irritability, headaches, increased aggression, violent behaviour, panic attacks, tinnitus, heart palpitations, dementia type symptoms and immune system irregularities.
Directions for use: Take a few drops of Rainbow Lattice Sunstone essence nightly for around three months, and then take one dose per week for as long as is felt necessary. It may also be helpful to wear a piece of Black Tourmaline to protect one's subtle energies during the process of developing and expanding the higher heart chakra, if working in an environment that has a high level of electromagnetic pollution.

RED CALCITE - Passion For Life
£ 6.35
RED CALCITE - Passion For Life

Energises base chakra. Uplifts emotions, aids willpower. Grounding. Removes stagnant energy. Releases fear of intimacy. Balances sexual promiscuity. Helps those who over-commit themselves to learn to say no. Shifts blocks that prevent one from moving forward.
Links to weight loss, constipation, hips, legs, joints, hormones, reproduction, endocrine and lymph systems, low blood pressure, feet, genitals, adrenals, bones and mineral absorption.
RHODOCHROSITE - Emotional support
£ 6.35
RHODOCHROSITE - Emotional Support

For those who feel unloved. Comforts the soul, heals inner child. Alleviates painful memories, emotional wounds and sexual abuse issues. Improves self-worth, soothes away stress and anxiety. Encourages a positive attitude. Seals holes in emotional body. Strengthens identity. Releases suppressed emotions, preventing nervous overload.
Links to nerves, myelin sheath, pulse rate, heartbeat, blood vessels, blood pressure, migraine, kidneys, respiration, eyesight, sexual organs, mental breakdown, gastric juices, paranoia, thyroid, ageing.
RHODONITE - Releasing Hidden Trauma
£ 6.35
RHODONITE - Releasing Hidden Trauma

Alleviates shock and panic. Clears subconscious trauma caused by betrayal, incest or abuse, sometimes stemming from past lives. Encourages forgiveness and reconciliation. Promotes calm in a dangerous situation. Supports flow of chi through the body. Alleviates anger, resentment, confusion, forgetfulness.
Links to liver, detoxification, metabolism, weight loss, gallbladder, kidneys, endocrine system, angina, insect bites, bone growth, hearing, respiration, joints, leg ulcers, blisters, wounds, neck tension, nosebleeds.
RICHTERITE - Unfrazzler
£ 6.35
RICHTERITE - Unfrazzler

Richterite is an attractive lavender and blue stone from Afghanistan. Richterite essence provides the strength to help one to withstand constant stress, mental confusion, sudden trauma, shock or post-traumatic stress. It is profoundly calming. It helps one to switch of the mind and quell anxieties, in order to create a quiet space to rebalance oneself. It helps to prevent one from being wound up by events or by people, and to face life's challenges in a calm and ordered frame of mind.
Links to adrenals, dizziness, blood pressure, immune system, thymus, T-cells, endocrine system, pineal, hypothalamus, detox, blood, cells, lymph glands, liver, mucus in lungs and digestive system, parasites.
To unfrazzle yourself sit quietly whilst you take a few drops under the tongue, and/or rub a few drops between your hands and then hold your hands about a hand's breadth from your thymus (your thymus is just a little higher than the heart chakra) for 10-15 minutes. Then massage a few drops onto your breastbone and tap each side of your breastbone for a minute or so. You can also add a few drops of this essence to a bath or add some drops to an atomiser in water to spray through the aura.
ROSE QUARTZ - Inner Child
£ 6.25
ROSE QUARTZ - Inner Child Attracts love. Opens heart chakra. Calming and reassuring. Dissolves mistrust. Heals inner child, mid-life crises, soul loss, anger towards father. Releases emotional patterns that keep one stuck in the past. Helps one to release worry, trauma and fear. Promotes the receiving and sharing of love, compassion and kindness. Links to heart, palpitations, heart rhythms, circulation, male fertility, post-natal depression, senility, premature babies, thymus, vertigo.
RUBY - The Warrior
£ 6.25
RUBY - The Warrior

Revitalises. Promotes motivation, enthusiasm and optimism. Dispels lethargy, apathy and envy. Improves decision making. Neutralises feelings of disappointment, melancholy, hopelessness or defeat. Attracts opportunities and luck. Provides determination to achieve one's goals. Stimulates heart chakra and meridan points associated with the heart. Releases imprint of past emotional abuse from the sub-cellular record or energetic matrix. Supports recovery from addictions or self-abuse. Repels psychic attacks. Discourages negative thinking . Promotes positive dreams and dispels nightmares.
Links to absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, silica and Vitamin E. Links to blood, blood sugar, circulation, metabolism, dizziness, anaemia, weight, fertility, back pain, heart, lymphatic system, adrenals, kidneys, pineal gland, reproductive organs, Syphilitic and Tubercular miasms, heart neurological tissues, spleen, thymus.
RUBY AURA QUARTZ - Courage, Strength and Security
£ 6.25
RUBY AURA QUARTZ - Courage, Strength and Security

Ruby Aura Quartz is a most attractive, sparkly type of clear quartz, the surface of which has been bonded with platinum, gold and silver, to give the quartz a magical red sheen with rainbow and silver flashes. This gives the quartz crystal extra benefits. Ruby Aura essence strongly uplifts one's spirit. It opens and stimulates the base chakra. It imparts strength and courage to move forward on one's life path, overcoming any issues or problems along the way. It protects one from aggression and violence in times of turmoil, and aids one in overcoming survival trauma.  Releases bonds/hooks from past abusive relationships. It alleviates the effect of physical, mental and emotional abuse, especially in children. It works on the sacral and heart chakras to transmute rage, resentment or grudges. It plugs energy leaks from the aura, helping one to feel more safe and secure  
Links to vitality, spine, back, legs and foot pain, slipped discs, sciatica, endocrine dysfunction, menstrual pain, IBS pain, colon, anti-fungus, anti parasites.
£ 6.25
RUTILATED QUARTZ - Life Force Assimilation

Activates creative energies. Promotes manifestation. Shifts dark moods and self-hatred. Cleanses and energises aura. Stimulates telepathic abilities. Protects from psychic attack. Finds root of a problem, heals etheric blockages. Breaks barriers to spiritual progress. Filters negative energy from client, supports emotional release.
Links to phobias, phantom pain, hair, mercury poisoning, back, blood vessels, ageing, respiratory tract, parasites, posture, brain tissue.
£ 6.25

Brings inspiration, lightness, peace of mind and serenity. Calms over-activity. Encourages self-discipline, mental acuity and concentration. Strengthens will-power. Removes spiritual confusion. Helps one to acquire and retain knowledge, and to become more secure in one's own opinion. Expands awareness.
Links to eye, inner ear, glands, veins, bleeding, throat chakra, thyroid, sleep metabolism, vertigo.
SAPPHIRE (YELLOW) - Prosperity
£ 6.25
SAPPHIRE (YELLOW) - Prosperity

This is one of the best gem essences for promoting action to improve one’s life. Yellow Sapphire is a gemstone of optimism and joy. It encourages one to do well in all endeavours, to be successful, to manifest one’s dreams and to prosper. It instils perseverance through willpower, and focuses one’s attention on the achievement of one’s goals. It overcomes fear and procrastination, and is a good support for those who need to exercise. It promotes a positive attitude and overcomes the belief that life is meant to be a struggle, difficult or unpleasant.
Links to the solar plexus chakra, the spleen, digestion, vitality and toxins.
SCAPOLITE - Self Discipline
£ 6.25
SCAPOLITE - Self- Discipline

Scapolite is for those who need determination, willpower and persistence to achieve a goal, such writing a book, losing weight, spending their income more wisely, exercising more, or stopping bad habits. Cuts through foggy thinking and confusion, and instils strength of purpose and self-discipline. Overcomes fear and promotes self-esteem. It neutralises old patterns of behaviour, overcomes self-sabotage and encourages one to embrace new patterns. Dispels procrastination and encourages one to stop dreaming and start doing. Discourages manipulation of others. Overcomes hyperactivity and inattentiveness.
Links to optic nerves, brain bio-chemistry, digestion, assimilation, elimination, kidneys and gallbladder.
SCHEELITE - Positive Thought Patterns
£ 6.25
SCHEELITE - Positive Thought Patterns

Scheelite is a transparent, golden orange crystal, that removes stuck patterns of negative thinking, and replaces them with new patterns of positive and creative thinking. Scheelite essence clears troubled states of mind. It overcomes self-sabotage mechanisms, where bodily fluids have acted as a medium for carrying negative mental stimuli to parts of the body, where they have continued to reactivate old energetic patterns. It helps one to identify appropriate life goals and and act upon achieving them.The essence also helps healers or therapists to release any of their clients' experiences/symptoms that they have held on to, and that have psychosomatically affected their well-being/state of mind.
Links to chakra alignment, subtle energetic stimulation of fluid release from water-logged lungs/heart, fluid balance, dehydration, parathyroid, bladder and urethra inflammation, lower back, nerves, muscles, blood vessels, energy.
SELENITE - Moon Over Calm Water
£ 6.25
SELENITE - Moon Over Calm Water

Stimulates brain activity, overcomes stagnation. Improves telepathy. Opens and activates brow, crown and soul star chakras. Purifies and cleanses congested energies in auric field. Detaches entities from aura. Instigates white light spiritual healing from higher dimensional realms into all levels of one's being. 
Links to spinal column, oxidants, mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings, skin, wrinkles, life span, light sensitivity.
SERAPHINITE - Supremely Positive
£ 6.25
SERAPHINITE - Supremely Positive

Stimulates positivity. Dissipates anger, hostility and exasperation. Removes energy implants. Protects from psychic attack. Cleanses aura and chakras. Aligns subtle bodies. Clears outdated emotional patterns. Helps those who feel disconnected from their physical selves. Links the physical with angelic energies.
Links to cellular regeneration and respiration, beneficial bacteria, toxins, minerals, skin, neck, muscle tension, anaesthesia, DNA, heart, lungs.
SHATTUCKITE - Clearing Past Life curses
£ 6.35
SHATTUCKITE - Clearing Past Life Curses

Shattuckite is a copper silicate stone, containing a natural combination of Turquoise, Chrysocolla, Azurite, Malachite and sometimes Ajoite. Shattuckite gem essence is an ally in clearing past life curses. It is particularly helpful when an unresolved curse has been placed on someone's reproductive organs in a past life, but then returns in this life as the child of that cursed person, thus bringing  the curse back on themselves.Also helpful for those who wish to work as mediums or channels. It sharpens one’s intuition, strengthens concentration and helps one to communicate better with the spirit world. It heightens the vibration of one's connection to the spirit world and aids interpretation of channelled messages. It is particularly useful in releasing emotional or mental blockages in areas associated with psychic communication, such as the neck, throat, face and head, where one may have suffered past life trauma or injury to those areas. This essence strongly protects one against entities,hypnotic commands and fear of using ones psychic abilities. It removes vows of secrecy where they are no longer needed. It generally enhances public speaking ability in orators, teachers, presenters, politicians and lawyers, enabling them connect with inner wisdom and to speak with truth and integrity.
Shattuckite essence links to calcium, cell division, ears, nose, nose and throat, genetically coded information, genetic imbalances, intercellular structures, Parathyroid, radiation, Syphilitic miasm, throat and third eye chakras and tonsils.
SHUNGITE (ELITE) - E.M.F. Protector
£ 6.35
Shungite has been nicknamed the "Stone of Life". It is a newly discovered stone, estimated to be around 2 billion years old. It looks a little like coal and is only found at the Zazhoginskoye deposit, near Lake Onega in the Karelia region of NW Russia. It is the only known natural substance to contain fullerenes. These are powerful anti-oxidants. Fullerenes in water will cleanse the water and infuse it with a potent healing vibration. Shungite is being hailed as a cure-all. It is said to eliminate anything in water that is a health hazard to human life. It neutralizes the effects of radioactive fallout, UV damage and electromagnetic radiation given off by cell phones and transmitters, computers, microwaves, computers and televisions. It has been shown to purify water of fluorides, chlorine, pesticides, heavy metal, nitrates and pathogenic bacteria. This essence was made from raw, and polished pieces of Shungite, purchased from source. It protects, purifies, normalises, induces recovery from imbalance and promotes dynamic equilibrium in living organisms. It acts as a powerful shield against harmful anthropogenic (pollution caused by humans), solar and geopathic radiation, and electromagnetic radiation, (from cell phones, computers, television and microwaves). It prevents the attachment of negative energies. It reduces stress that often leads to headaches and insomnia. It stops energy depletion and fatigue by balancing the polarities surrounding the body, and infusing the auric field with positive and beneficial energies, It neutralises lower energies that are lodged within the auric field, as it seeks out and removes the subtle source of a problem, whether it is in the present incarnation or from a past lifetime. It has a strong Earth connection and instils feelings of safety and security in one’s surroundings. In meditation it can link one in with the energies of Merlin. It is particularly useful in helping one adapt and adjust to the new frequencies now entering the third dimension, which will enable us to ascend to the fourth dimension. It is recommended that you add a few drops of this essence to water to drink. Leave the water to stand for a few minutes before drinking, or add around 20 drops to a bottle of mineral water to begin drinking throughout the day after around 30 minutes.You can also place a drop of the essence on any of the any of the chakras, particularly the crown, brow and throat chakras, or rub a few drops around the base of the skull at the back of the head. You could also try putting around 12 drops in a small atomiser of water to spray though your aura on a daily basis, to protect you from electromagnetic pollution.
Links to base and Earth chakras, Allergies, vascular, digestive, muscular and skeletal systems, skin imbalances, wounds, callosities, arthritis, varicose veins., headaches, insomnia, Dyspepsia, kidneys, liver, immune system, chronic fatigue, inflammation, colds and cardiovascular system.
SICHUAN QUARTZ - Enhancing Psychic Abilities
£ 6.35

SICHUAN QUARTZ - Enhancing Psychic Abilities

Sichuan Quartz is usually a double-terminated clear quartz containing black inclusions. It comes from the Himalayas in the Chinese province of Sichuan, and is a high vibration combination of Tibetan Black Quartz and Herkimer Diamond Quartz. This Sichuan Quartz essence connects the third eye and crown chakras to open one's consciousness to higher dimensions. It is spiritually attuned to the "white flame of pure consciousness” to enhance one'sinner vision, telepathy and higher self communication. It is also most helpful at breaking ingrained habits, addictions and co-dependent relationships. It clears away outgrown connections from past lives. It dispels negativity, clears chakra blockages, realigns the meridians, and cleanses, balances and recharges the subtle body centres and the etheric blueprint, helping to lighten and freshen subtle energy flows. It grounds and centres one to dispel anxiety and establish deep inner calm.

Links to eating disorders, addiction, addictive behaviour, depression, chronic fatigue, immune system, recurring illnesses, cellular restructuring.

SMOKY QUARTZ - Neutralising Discordant Energies
£ 6.25
SMOKY QUARTZ - Neutralising Discordant Energies

Absorbs negative and disruptive energy. Protects one from adverse energies in environment and negative emotional vibrations. Cleanses aura and energetic systems. Eases despair and suicidal tendencies. Keeps one grounded in fearful situations. Prevents healing crisis. Enhances practicality and organisation.
Links to breathing, computer stress, post traumatic stress and phobias, geopathic stress, mercury toxicity, sunburn, radiation and electromagnetic pollution.
SODALITE - De-sensitising
£ 6.25
SODALITE - De-sensitising

Eliminates mental confusion. Facilitates perception of one's core lessons in this lifetime. Facilitates self-discipline. De-sensitises those affected by sick building syndrome or electromagnetic smog. Alleviates phobias, guilt, fixed attitudes or past programming that prevent you from achieving your true life purpose.
Links to cleansing, metabolism, obesity, calcium, lymph, immune system, radiation, larynx, throat, high blood pressure, fluid retention.
STAUROLITE - In Harmony With Earth
£ 6.25
STAUROLITE - In Harmony With Earth

Alleviates addictions, self-abuse and destructive habits. Purges negative energies and parasites. Grounding, calming and stabilising. Stimulates a feeling of protection and security. Cooling. Brings relief from stress, and helps to counter hysteria or emotional paralysis.
Links to general well-being, ageing, ligaments, muscles and blood formation.
STELLAR BEAM CALCITE - Super Spiritual Growth Accelerator
£ 6.25
STELLAR BEAM CALCITE - Super Spiritual Growth Accelerator
(With added Elite Shungite)

Keywords:Accelerating spiritual growth, elevating levels of consciousness,serenity, cleansing and grounding (Elite Shungite), removing negative energy, balances all chakras, vitality, links with higher dimensional beings for guidance and wisdom

As the Universe is gracing the Earth and its inhabitants with more and more big waves of higher dimensional frequencies, that are designed to open up our psychic senses and spiritual gifts, Stellar Beam Calcite is the one the most impressive high vibration crystals known,that will help us maximise the benefits of these incoming galactic energies. Stellar Beam Calcite is an attractive amber-yellow crystal with sharp points at each end that add an extra intensity, focus and energetic range to its gifts to aid us on our spiritual evolution and life path. Elite Shungite gem essence has been added to this gem essence to make sure that you are very well grounded if you are not used to working with such a high vibration gem essence, as it could make you feel a bit spaced out or headachy. Added Elite Shungite also assists this Stellar Beam Calcite essence in removing very stubborn, long held toxins, heavy metals, karmic imprints, negative attachments and entities, negative thoughts and harmful ingrained habits or patterns lodged in us, that if not removed, would block our ability to fully absorb and properly fill up our being with the Stellar Beam Calcite essence's higher frequency divine light, that is so helpful for elevating levels of consciousness and gaining access to higher dimensions, in order to re-claim our full power. This essence has the grand spiritual potential of being able to change one's outer reality into a more spiritual focused expression. It helps make you more aware of your own actions, thoughts and emotions, and helps you to release emotional burdens and mental blockages that keep you stuck in a negative head space and prevent you from recognising your precious worth. Together with the added Elite Shungite, it can be used to remove entities and lower energies that have attached to your auric field, which have been lowering your energy levels. If you would prefer to have the Stellar Beam Calcite essence without the Elite Shungite essence please let me know in the shipping advice that you want Stellar Beam Calcite on its own.  If your etheric blueprint has been damaged or distorted from birth you can use this Stellar Beam Calcite during meditation and ask for the help of spirit guides to restore it to its optimum state. This essence pushes you to find out whether you are consciously choosing to create a thriving, more happy life path for yourself or whether some things need changing. It shifts our thinking patterns to be able to see life events with a bright and hopeful perspective. It soothes away sources of uneasiness or stress and empowers you to take full control of your life, making you feel fully competent to manage your life with ease and mindfulness. It helps you to discover your unique and incomparable strong points.

Meditation with Stellar Beam Calcite essence helps calm a busy mind and soothes away hectic thoughts and worries, to create a state of serenity and peace, where you can open up your mind and pineal gland intuitive faculties to this essence's high and fast vibrations, that produce a quickening effect on subtle and atomic levels. When used with conscious intention, Stellar Beam Calcite essence delivers higher frequencies and light codes into the crown and third eye chakra to assist with DNA and light body activation. During meditation it helps you to connect with your higher self and opens up inter-dimensional doorways to access past lives, to tune into advanced spiritual practices, to receive guidance and wisdom from higher dimensional beings such our Star Families, (e.g. the Pleiadians and the Arcturians), to connect with Archangels (especially AA Raphael) and with Ascended Masters, and to be able to receive healing frequencies via advanced ET technologies.

For the meditation wear loose-fitting clothing and choose a quiet,comfortable place. Put a few drops of Stellar Beam calcite under your tongue, and/or rub a few drops of it into your third eye. Take a few slow, calm breaths. Close your eyes and welcome the transformational energies of the essence. Imagine a bright stream of light is entering your being and filling your whole system with high vibrational energy, that is washing away any source of worry, doubt or stress.Imagine now that your being has been cleansed and is brightly glowing,sparkling and overflowing with harmony and profound serenity. Ask for Archangel Michael to place his pyramid of white protective light around you and underneath you whilst you ask beings of light of the highest possible dimension  to help answer your pre-prepared queries. When the meditation is over breathe slowly and calmly whilst you bring yourself back to your current time and space.When you are ready, gently open your eyes, thank those for the information and help you have been given, and smile with gratitude.

Links to: inflammation, headaches, indigestion, heartburn, joint pain. 

STROMATOLITE - Evolutionary Change Aid
£ 6.25
STROMATOLITE - Evolutionary Change Aid

Stromatolite stones are characterised by their attractive brown, grey and cream striations, that have been created from the remains of fossilized cyanobacteria (blue-green algae.) They lived in tropical seas for millions of years and survived many changes and stresses. They are believed to have created the oxygen on our planet. Stromatolite essence aids the planned  spiritual evolutionary shift for humanity by protecting all levels of one's being from insidious brainwashing and psychic attacks, and especially where damaging thought forms have been created through the use of constantly repeated hypnotic commands/psychic enchantment, either in secret or through the media.This essence blocks the dark forces' desire to weaken the silver cord, which is the body's life force link to its spirit, which can make one more vulnerable to infections. It increases one's subtle energy flow and tolerance to stress, and instils one with resilience, versatility and temperance. It removes blockages, harmful implants and psychic attachments, and also imprinted mental programmes that have been deeply ingrained, but are no longer relevant. It encourages one to learn from past experiences and to see them as an aid to personal growth. It helps one to walk away from disagreements whilst still standing in one's own power and maintaining one's own point of view.
Links to base and heart chakras, thymus, throat, hands, feet, oxygenation, fertility, Parkinson's, brain function, organ protection from over-production of adrenaline, silver cord maintenance, neurotransmitters, bones, teeth, kidneys, bladder, elimination of toxins, passage of fluid through body and brain, convalescence, Earth cleansing.
SUGILITE - Empowerment
£ 6.25
SUGILITE - Empowerment

Empowers one. Helps those who fall into negative thinking or who lack confidence in their abilities. Encourages one to believe that their dreams can be achieved. Calms nerves. Protects emotional body from shocks and disappointments. Releases old resentments, sorrow or feelings of helplessness. Eliminates prejudice. Alleviates over-sensitivity to external negativity.
Links to motor nerves, pineal, pituitary, synapses, nightmares, autism, dyslexia, learning problems.