

(Code: 434)
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Millions of years ago gold,platinum, silver and iridium were transformed into monatomic white power within a multidimensional hyperfield caused by the intense heat and pressure of a large meteorite imploding into an active volcano, Thousands of years later the Andara volcanic glass was formed by a second large implosion on the original site that caused the monatomic white powder to be transformed into Andara volcanic glass. Monatomic Andaras are said to be soul-enhancing, high vibrational healing tools that work on all levels, assisting each one of us to release unwanted energies, whilst moving forward to our next evolution and back to the original divine consciousness blueprint, through achieving enlightenment and ascension.

This unusual and beautiful Silver Luna Andara from Mount Shasta is completely clear with silver light flashes within it's matrix. This colour of monatomic Andara represents the spiritual heart frequencies of Lady Nellie, the Choctaw native America healer and shaman, who first discovered the Andaras and used them for healing. This Silver Luna Andara is probably derived from monatomic white platinum or silver powder rather than the more common naturally gold-coloured Andara derived from the monatomic white gold powder. It carries light codes from higher dimensions to deprogramme and clear away all the false political, cultural, racial, legendary, religious, social,"educational” and "scientific brainwashing and programming, that humanity has been subjected to since thousands and thousands of years ago, when our subtle level DNA was deliberately shut down, to disempower humans of those ancient times in order to be enslaved by their captors.

This Silver Luna Divine Deprogramer essence is potentised with this Andara's high vibration light codes to calmly and gradually remove all the thousands of years of layer upon layer of more and more instilled false information/education/beliefs in one form or another, right back though al lour ancestors to the present day, and which are still being promulgated through various kinds of media. It also pulls out toxic fields, such as curses, as well as emotional traumas held on to through many incarnations. This essence promotes a rise in consciousness and a welcome increase in our awareness as our logical minds and our intuition work together to provide mental clarity and intuitive awareness. It is a much needed wake up call to enable each one of us to detect whether those with the power to rule our lives are speaking the truth or telling lies, in order to either frighten one into complying with their decisions, or enhance their personal power.

Shutting down the conscious intuitive links to spirit caused a drop down to lower vibrational levels of third dimension existence for humanity. Their captors then greatly increased humanity's negative emotions such as anger and fear, resulting from the need to find shelter, clothe themselves safely, raise their children, find food, avoid illness and not be slaughtered in battle or by those in power. Before enslavement humans possessed a strong belief that their intuitive abilities would keep them safe and naturally lead them to finding what they needed. They could also contact higher dimension beings for any extra help they needed.

As this essence gradually clears away all the layers of programming more and more higher dimensional light,will flood into our beings through our meridians and chakras. (It cannot be used by energy vampires for their own nefarious  purposes, because it is a higher dimensional light frequency that they cannot absorb unless they choose to raise their frequencies to expand their consciousnesses too!)  It makes us feel strong, energised and more empowered. This essence removes feelings of unease, a feeling of being overwhelmed and fear of the unknown. At this very special time when our solar system has entered the proton belt around the Great Central Sun Alcyone, ascension of our beings to a higher dimension without leaving our 3d bodies behind is not determined by fasting, tests or trials any more but is made possible simply by choice and the acceptance of allowing the absorption of higher light frequencies into our bodies..

Our enhanced mental acuity and intuitive awareness will lead us to being able to understand the motives of those candidates seeking election in positions of power. Those candidates will be unable to hide any dark secrets, or their plans, when elected, to deliberately unleash harm on others.

When asked, with focussed intention on our higher dimension guides/Archangel Michael, all Andaras will protect from harm those beings working to expand their consciousnesses by using the Andara light codes. This essence also helps us to overcome obstacles as it enhances mental clarity and intuitive abilities to guide us towards solutions. solution. This Silver Luna essence assists us in focusing on the positives of life, and more on what we have rather than what we don't yet have. It removes the pervasive emotion of guilt that stops us enjoying what we have, as we remain being daily continually bombarded by the media with depressing stories of those less fortunate than ourselves. All Andaras and their essences, but especially this Silver Luna Andara essence and The Alchemist Andara essence help us to gain access to our Akashic Records and helpful higher dimension guides to learn what our soul purpose is for this life. Then we will feel less need to be side-tracked with taking on non soul purpose extra projects that we feel guilt-ridden about.

Links to: mental and emotional balance, the immune system, crown, 3d eye and Alta Major chakras, subtle DNA and higher chakras activation, pineal gland, overeating due to anxiety, addictive behaviours.